보유도서 현황

보유도서목록 6


영상자료,DVD,Mega Structures - USS Virginia

영상자료,DVD,The Blue Planet -BBC 아름다운 바다(5Disc set)

영상자료,DVD,KBS스페셜 도자기 6-문명을 넘어 (Beyond)
KBS 미디어1900.Dv015

영상자료,DVD,KBS스페셜 도자기 5-도전의 세기 (Rivalry)
KBS 미디어1900.Dv014

영상자료,DVD,KBS스페셜 도자기 4-청화의 제국 (Empire)
KBS 미디어1900.Dv013

영상자료,DVD,KBS스페셜 도자기 3-이슬람의 유산 (Blue&White)
KBS 미디어1900.Dv012

영상자료,DVD,KBS스페셜 도자기 2-신비의 자기 (Destiny)
KBS 미디어1900.Dv011

영상자료,DVD,KBS스페셜 도자기 1-흙으로 부터 (Origins)
KBS 미디어1900.Dv010

영상자료,DVD,사랑의 묵시록 (The Apocalypse of Love)
<사랑의 묵시록>세계로 보내는 회1900.Dv009

영상자료,DVD,해양의 미래 그 중심에 부산이 있습니다.
동서 필름1900.Dv008


영상자료,DVD,APEC Symposium on Socio-Economic Disparity
APEC Secretariat1900.Dv005

영상자료,DVD,Discover NTU

영상자료,DVD,Hong Kong History 1842-1997
The Open University of Hong Kong1900.Dv003

영상자료,DVD,Discover Hong Kong


영상자료,DVD,Old day Hong Kong


Stewart GordonDa Capo Press1777.Wh001

기타,영어원서,The Adventure of the Real: Jean Rouch and
the Craft of Ethnographic Cinema
Paul HenleyUniversity of Chicago Press1777.Th002

기타,영어원서,Southeast Asia in World History"Lockard, Craig A."Oxford1777.So001
기타,영어원서,MaritimeSoutheastAsiato1500"Shaffer, Lynda Norene"M E Sharpe Inc1777.Ma005

기타,영어원서,Fluid Iron : State Formation in Southeast Asia"Day, Tony"University of Hawaii Press1777.Fl001

기타,영어원서,China and Historical Capitalism : Genealogies of Sinological Knowledge"Brook, Timothy"Cambridge1777.Ch003

기타,영어원서,Asia in the Making of Europe : A Century of Advance : Southeast Asia"Lach, Donald F."University Of Chicago Press1777.As006

기타,영어원서,"AsiaintheMakingofEurope:ACenturyofAdvance:Trade,Missions,Literature ""Lach, Donald F."University Of Chicago Press1777.As005

기타,영어원서,Asia in the Making of Europe : A Century of Advance : East Asia"Lach, Donald F."University Of Chicago Press1777.As004

기타,영어원서,"AsiaintheMakingofEurope,VolumeII:ACenturyofWonder.Book2:TheLiteraryArts ""Lach, Donald F."University Of Chicago Press1777.As003

기타,영어원서,Asia in the Making of Europe : The Century of Discovery : Book Two"Lach, Donald F."University Of Chicago Press1777.As002

기타,영어원서,AsiaintheMakingofEurope:TheCenturyofDiscovery:BookOne"Lach, Donald F."University Of Chicago Press1777.As001

기타,영어원서,Cihannuma"Ozukan, Bulent"Boyut pub1777.Tu016영어
기타,영어원서,Sultan II. abdulhamid
Kultur A.S.1777.Tu015영어

기타,영어원서,Topkapi palace"Ortayli, Ilber"Blue Dome press1777.Tu014영어

기타,영어원서,Topkapi palace"Aksit, Ilhan"Aksit Kulturr Turizm Yayıncılık1777.Tu013영어

기타,영어원서,Capital of three empires : Istanbul"Aksit, Ilhan"Aksit Kulturr Turizm Yayıncılık1777.Tu012영어

기타,영어원서,Saint Sophia"Cimok, Fatih."A Turizm Yayınları1777.Tu011영어

기타,영어원서,202 jokes of nasreddin hodja
Istanbul: Orient1777.Tu010영어

기타,영어원서,Kalenin gemileri : the ships of the castle"Bilici, Z. Kenan"Yayinlary1777.Tu009영어

기타,영어원서,Istanbul Archaeological Museums"Pasinli, Alpay"A Turizm Yayinlari1777.Tu008영어

기타,영어원서,Hagia Sophia
Turkey: Aksit kultur1777.Tu007영어

기타,영어원서,TROIA Troia with newest informations"Tosun, Ahmet"Aytur LTD. STI1777.Tu005영어

기타,영어원서,A Revised Edition TROY"Askin, Mustafa"Keskin Color AS1777.Tu004영어

MBS Basim1777.Tu003영어

기타,영어원서,Biblical sites in turkey"Blake, Everett C."Sev1777.Tu002영어/터키

기타,영어원서,Hagia sophia museum guide
Hagia sophia museum1777.Tu001영어

기타,영어원서,Troia/wilusa guidebook


기타,영어원서,Troia/wilusa ueberblick und offizieller Rundgang"Korfmann, Manfred""Zero prod. Ltd.,"1777.Ko001독일어

기타,영어원서,The IliadHomerWordsworth classics1777.Ho002영어

기타,영어원서,The OdysseyHomerWordsworth classics1777.Ho001영어

기타,영어원서,Odyssey"Garoufalis, Dimitris"

기타,영어원서,Greek Mythology"Souli, Sofia"Toubi's1777.Gr012영어

기타,영어원서,Faistos"Davaras, Costis"Militos1777.Gr011영어

기타,영어원서,ΚΡΗΤΗ ΑΙΓΥΠΤΟΣ/heraklion Archaeological Museum
Kapon editions1777.Gr010영어

Kapon editions1777.Gr009영어

기타,영어원서,The sea
KAPON editions1777.Gr008영어

기타,영어원서,Sailing through time : the ship in Greek art"Spathari, Elsi and Karageorghis, Vassos"Kapon Editions1777.Gr007영어/아테네

기타,영어원서,National Archaeological Museum
KAPON editions1777.Gr006영어

기타,영어원서,Hellenic maritime museum
Hellenic maritime museum1777.Gr005영어/그리스

기타,영어원서,Athens Archeological Guide

기타,영어원서,Ministry of culture archaeological receipts fund

기타,영어원서,Knossos"Logiadou, Sosso"Athens1777.Gr002영어

기타,영어원서,Archaeological museum of heraklion

기타,영어원서,Great exhibitions"May, Trevor"Shire Pub2777.Ma004영어

기타,영어원서,History re-stored : Ancient greek coins from the Zhuyuetang collection"Meadows, Andrew and Kan, Richard W. C."Zhuyuetang Limited1777.Me001영어

기타,영어원서,Ocean ships"Hornsby, David"Ian Allan1777.Ho003영어

기타,영어원서,Kingdoms of ruin : the art and architectural splendours of ancient Turkey"Stafford-Deitsch, Jeremy"I.B. Tauris1777.St006영어

기타,영어원서,The Mediterranean : cradle of European culture"Streeter, Michael"New Holland1777.St005영어

기타,영어원서,The historical atlas of the celtic world"Haywood, John"Thames & Hudson1777.Ha001영어

기타,영어원서,Tales of london's docklands"Bradford, Henry T."History Press1777.Ba002영어
기타,영어원서,treasures of the National Maritime Museum (Great Britain)"Clifton, Gloria and Rigby, Nigel "London: National maritime museum1777.Lm004영어/런던국립해양박물관

기타,영어원서,Royal Observatory Greenwich : Souvenir guide
London: Royal Observatory Greenwich1777.Lm003영어/그리니치

기타,영어원서,National maritime museum : Souvenir guide
London: National maritime museum1777.Lm002영어/런던국립해양박물관

기타,영어원서,Maritime greenwich : Souvenir guide
London: National maritime museum1777.Lm001영어/런던국립해양박물관

기타,영어원서,The Mycenaeans"Schofield, Louise"British Museum Press1777.Bm005영어/대영박물관

기타,영어원서,The British Museum A-Z companion"Caygill, Marjorie."British Museum Press1777.Bm001영어/대영박물관

기타,영어원서,Roman myths"Gardner, Jane F."British Museum Press1777.Bm004영어/대영박물관

기타,영어원서,"Chronicles of the Vikings : records, memorials, and myths""Page, R. I. (Raymond Ian)"British Museum Press1777.Bm002영어/대영박물관

기타,영어원서,Byzantium"Loverance, Rowena."British Museum Press1777.Bm003영어/대영박물관

기타,영어원서,Historic Maps and Views of London"Sinclair, George"Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers1777.Lo008영어/런던
기타,영어원서,London : a history"Black, Jeremy"Carnegie1777.Lo007영어/런던

기타,영어원서,Museum highlights/ Museum of London
Scala Publishers Ltd. in association with Museum of London1777.Lo006영어/런던의 박물관

기타,영어원서,Walk london
Pitkin Guides1777.Lo005영어/런던

기타,영어원서,Movie London"Reeves, Tony"Titan Books1777.Lo004영어/런던

기타,영어원서,London : Then and now"Burstein, Diane"Batsford1777.Lo003영어/런던

기타,영어원서,London : the story of a great city"White, Jerry"Andre Deutsch1777.Lo002영어/런던

기타,영어원서,London : the illustrated history"Ross, Cathy and Clark, John"Allen Lane1777.Lo001영어/런던

기타,영어원서,Cutty sark
A pitkin guide1777.Cu001영어

기타,영어원서,The City our my WindowMatted PericoliSimon&Schuster1777.Ma003

기타,영어원서,Images of America Historic Georgetown A Walking TourThomas J. CarrierArcadia Publishing1777.Im003
기타,영어원서,"Images of America Washington, D.C A Historical Walking Tour"Thomas J. CarrierArcadia Publishing1777.Im002

기타,영어원서,"Postcard History Series Washington, D.C. in Vintage Postcards"Gayle and Dale FloydArcadia Publishing1777.Ga001

기타,영어원서,World Cities yesterday and TodayMichael SwiftFall River Press1777.Mi003

기타,영어원서,Native UniverseKevin GoverSmithsonian National Museum of the American Indian1777.Ke004

기타,영어원서,Art and History of Washington D.CBruce R. SmithCasa Editrice Bonechi1777.Br002

기타,영어원서,"The Charters of Freedom ""A New World is at Hand"""Stacey BredhoffAt the National Archives1777.St004

기타,영어원서,Our Documents 100 Milestone Documents from the national ArchivesMichael BeschlossOxford university Press1777.Mi002

기타,영어원서,Smithsonian Treasures American HistoryKathleen M. KendrickSmithsonian Books1777.Sm021

기타,영어원서,Hide Skin as Material and Metaphor
National Museum of the American Indian1777.Na003

기타,영어원서,American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History2777.Am001